Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow Movers in Suttons Bay

One thing you do not have to worry about if you are thinking of coming "up north" is what to do about all the snow. We have the best snow removers I've ever witmessed. Thanks to Wally and Bob at the Village~snow is plowed and moved away and sidewalks cleared at the earliest wee hours of the morning. They take such good care of us here at the Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast. We are thankful for all their good work. We know their day starts "very early" when the snow flies. Thanks you guys for all you do to keep us and our guests snow free on our corner of the block.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Peanut Butter Banana Parfait with Korner Kottage Krunch Granola

As the last days of 2009 come to an end I thought it would be fun to share some thoughts reflecting on the last couple of seasons here at the B&B. One thing we love about being innkeepers at the Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast in Suttons Bay, Michigan is the constant feed back, recipes and suggestions we receive from our guests. Not to mention the many memories they give to us to recall.

One day a guest sent us a thank you note for the wonderful visit they had recently had with us. The nicest part of the note was how they had taken home a box of our Krunch home made granola to enjoy at home. They had done some experimenting and came up with an easy recipe that we have shared with many of our breakfast guests since then. I would love to share this simple, healthy treat with you.

It is called Peanut Butter Banana Krunch Parfaits.....for lack of a fancier name. You simply layer sliced bananas, vanilla yogurt that has been mixed with your favorite peanut butter and sprinklings of Korner Kottage Krunch granola in between each layer. If you serve this in a pretty stemmed parfait goblet it is truly quite elegant. And the best part is it tastes "divine". It has become a favorite among our guests.

I also reminisce about the many couples who've been our guests who pop the question while visiting. I know much thought, anticipation and planning must go into the planning of these special visits at the B&B. It always warms our hearts to know that we have become part of "their story" now. In many cases we end up helping to plan the wedding at a nearby winery or attend the wedding and in some instances even host the bride and groom and attendants or family members here at the B&B. Nothing is more exciting to us than to have the happily married couples show up here at the end of their special day in their wedding attire for the first night of their honeymoon...or "mini~moon" as they sometimes call it. One memory stands out as the happy couple came to breakfast still in their wedding clothes as they had misplaced the key to the car holding all their suitcases and clothes. Just another day to wear that pretty wedding dress and tux one more time.

As the Christmas lights twinkle and shine we feel truly blessed to have touched the lives and made memories with some many guests who've visited us here. This is just the beginning as we look towards a new year in which to make many more memories for all those who pass through the Korner Kottage in 2010.

Have You Had Your Granola Today?

As the owners/inn keepers of Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast in Northern Michigan, we have more free time this time of year than in any other season. We sigh with relief for some much needed rest and relaxation for ourselves. But that being said, on the other hand we also anxiously await guest interactions in our house. Even our resident "welcome to the B&B greeter" Nestle Quik (our portuguese water dog) feels and senses the quietness inside. So our challenge becomes~how to purposely fill this space of extra time.

Not to worry , this additional gift of time affords us to focus on our other passion, which is making the best krunchy, filled with heart healthy protein and fiber, whole wheat and multi grains, flax and hemp seed, dried fruits and healthy nuts~Korner Kottage Krunch~homemade gourmet granola. It is our passion to offer our guests the freshest, healthiest and locally Michigan made granola product around.

We've researched and taste tested many granola mixes out on the market. We feel we have developed the best of the best. In doing research we discovered the nutritional value and perfect protein booster of the hemp seed. No other single source has its proteins that are so easily digested. Hemp is a source of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids as well as amino acids that our own bodies do not make or store naturally. It's important to consume small amounts of these on a daily basis. So we grind the hemp seeds and loving add them to our granola recipe. Along with hemp seeds we also grind and add flax seeds for the same nutritional benefits.

Now our guests are not at first necessarily interested in the health benefits of Korner Kottage Krunch. All they rave about is the unique taste and krunchiness. When we tell of all the additional health benefits it's just an added bonus. We serve our heart healthy, good for you granola as a topping to our morning offering of fresh local fruits with yogurt. But we also slip it into our home made cookie dough or our home made muffins. Korner Kottage Krunch can easily be added to many common foods and recipes to offer that extra nutritional bonus.

So as we settle into this quieter time at the Bed and Breakfast in Suttons Bay~you may just find us testing and sampling new and creative ways to make our guests healthier. We are creating menus to our morning breakfasts in which to serve heart healthy, daily dose of Korner Kottage Krunch~home made gourmet granola.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Suttons Bay~12 Days of Christmas & More

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me......

1~ bottle of wine from the Silvertree Deli
2~ tickets from The Bay Theatre
3 ~meals from Martha's Leelanau Table
4~tables and chairs from Edwards furniture

5~M a t a d o r p e s t o v e g g i e p i z z a

6~homemade fudges from Candy World
7~Happy Woman party napkins
8~ Painted Bird gems of jewelry
9~ cards, ribbons and wrappings from The Business Helper
10~ kitchen gadgets from the Front Porch
11~flowers and greens from Forget~Me~Not Florist
12~Bahles' Barbour jackets.......and SO MUCH MORE!!!!

The Chamber and all the businesses of Suttons Bay wishes you a Merry Christmas. We are open and here to serve you in any last minute shopping and/or dining.

Bag Some More Granola Please

Woke up this morning, turned on the computer to find more requests/orders for granola! So we do what we always do when that happens~we filled more orders for our "home made" Korner Kottage Krunch~gourmet granola.

We lovingly chop, cut, mix & stir so you don't have to. We bake and stir and bake and stir some more. Our KRUNCH makes a healthy, tasty snack for breakfast or any time of the day. You can eat it alone or add it to a million different things like oatmeal, pancakes, cookie mixes whatever your imagination conjurs up. It adds an extra "krunch".

We use ingredients you won't find in most granola. Ours is "tasty" as well as "good" for you. We add flax & hemp seeds that we grind ourselves with an added touch of local maple syrup from our local maple syrup grower. We also include some of our locally dried cherries. We feel it is important to use as much from our local community as possible to bring this product to you. This is a locally MICHIGAN MADE product ~ just for you.

Hmmmm.... good and so good for you. It does not resemble in any way that bland tasting, blah granola you find in most packages of store purchased granola. It is even better than the bulk granola available from "health food" stores. At least that is what "our guests" tell us. You'll need to try some and see for yourself if you can taste the difference.

So how did we come to get into the granola business when we already were running a bed and breakfast business? Well it's our guests fault. Due to all their prodding and begging and encouragement , we finally decided to give it a try. Our gourmet granola Korner Kottage Krunch business was officially born. We served it every morning at our Bed and Breakfast in Suttons Bay, MI in addition to fresh fruit and yogurt. The guests loved the locally grown fresh fruit but they just couldn't stop raving about our granola that they added to the fruit. They wanted the recipe, they wanted to take some back home with them. They wanted it, requested it, wrote back to tell us after they got home how much they liked it...and so we started selling it to them.

After jumping through all the hoops and meeting regulations, requirements and inspections required to go into a small food business~we did it. It's been and continues to be a labor of love on our part~but our guests (and now regular customers) still LOVE and still ORDER our Korner Kottage Krunch. Thank you every one for pushing us into this. Now I'm off to the Post Office to mail off these orders.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Groomed Trail

Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast Hoping to xc ski the trail from Suttons Bay to Traverse City~18 miles one way so will only do a portion....but it's groomed with freshly fallen snow :) must take advantage of that.

Noticed How Different The Garden Looks Covered in Snow

Couldn't help but notice today when taking Nestle Quik out for her mid-day walk that the lake effect snow we received in Leelanau County overnight has settled in a very gentle way on hydrangeas.
I wonder how other gardener's see their gardens in the winter.

A Granola Packed Full of Wholesome and Healthy Ingredients

Korner Kottage Krunch is packed full of wholesome and healthy ingredients that you should insist that your granola has when you're enjoying your bowlful every morning for breakfast or a healthy snack throughout the day.

Ingredients include Rolled Oats, Almonds, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Raisins, Dried Cherries(sugar & sunflower oil), Canola Oil, Pure Maple Syrup. (Dried Mango and Dried Apricot are preserved with Sulfur Dioxide.)

Korner Kottage Krunch - The Granola Created for Bed and Breakfast Guests

Guests of the Korner Kottage Bed & Breakfast began adding our "still warm from the oven" Korner Kottage Krunch Gourmet Granola as a topping on orchard fresh fruits, berries and yogurt in 2006. Little did we know at the time we had created a beyond the necessities taste sensation for our guests. Once safely back home guests began inquiring about ordering more Korner KottageKrunch Gourmet Granola. In 2008 we began offering it for sale and have been filling orders ever since!

A great addition to oatmeal, excellent in a bowl with milk, and perfect as a healthy snack throughout the day.

At the Korner Kottage Bed & Breakfast living the sweet life is not only possible, it is the rule. Feed your soul and inspire your heart.

Jim and Linda Munro
Korner Kottage Bed & Breakfast
Suttons Bay, Michigan