Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring time "up north" in Suttons Bay~Leelanua County

Spring time is definitely showing her colors in northern Michigan. The only evidence of a by gone winter, are several dirty, grungy hills of snow scattered here and there around the village that were piled sky high during the winter snowfall. These piles have shrunk to just smallish heaps....a distant memory of the powdery white stuff falling from the sky in December and January.

The tri~colored waters of the bay are sparkling in their glory as the warming sun hits just right. It is a sight I never grow tired of viewing. I'm just waiting in anticipation to see the marina slips beginning to fill up with every size sailing boat ~ a sure sign that others are also thinking of warmer days ahead.

The quietness of the village during the winter is always a welcome respite from the busyness of the summer and fall. But now it's time for the tourists to return and the bustling village to re~awaken as well, to welcome all who journey to our "up north paradise" that we have the luxury of calling home.

Spring is a time of renewal and hope for the gardener's heart. As I peer out my windows I see evidence that there will soon be rebirth in my own quiet, sleeping garden. The tulips and lilies are already beginning to poke up through the ground. Once the leaves are cleared away on all the beds, it's like uncovering a hidden treasure to see what and where the flowers will appear. It's such an awesome thing to behold as the garden wakes up and becomes alive again. I can't wait.

We've been blessed here at the Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast to have had a busy winter with guest rooms filled beyond expectations for every month of our so called "off season". People definitely have found our special little place in the world....and have kept us busy all winter long. We are so thankful that we can share our home with others who want to explore and experience the Leelanau area and all it has to offer.

Come and see us. We think you will love it here as we do....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March=Spring Cleaning the Inn and Eating Clean

With the arrival of March I get the itch to commence my annual, old fashioned style of "spring cleaning". Especially since we've become the owners/inn keepers of the Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast in Suttons Bay, I adhere to this old custom of mine even more. It just feels good to move out all the furniture, wash the walls, repaint if necessary, wash and open up windows to let out the old stale air, and let in the fresh spring breezes...even if it is still less than "warm" outside. It is such a satisfying feeling to put everything back together and have it look and smell~fresh, shiny and sparkling clean.

It has also become a custom of mine, in March, to do some spring cleaning of my body as well. Last year I embarked on the "Master Cleanse" which was an interesting form of fasting, drinking only lemonade/cayenne pepper drink, lots of water and a sea salt water drink before bed to "cleanse" from the inside. I lasted on that cleanse for 6 days, which was a huge feat in itself....but then immediately went back to my normal eating habits. I just wanted to try it.

This March I started another cleanse which is much easier to follow. It is called the Quantim Wellness Cleanse by Kathy Freston. It is all about eliminating foods from your diet for 21 days that have negative effects on our healthy systems.

Therefore I have eliminated to the best of my ability all sugars, caffeine, diary, cheese, eggs, meat, or any other animal products, all gluten and alcohol as per her suggestions. This was very intimidating at the onset. I suffered some deprivation the first few days, especially a withdrawal from my morning 2 cups of coffee with creamer. The caffeine headache only lasted 2 days at the most.

Soon I began to feel the up side of this detoxing process. I immediately began to lose unwanted belly fat and a few extra pounds. After the first week I was feeling more energetic than I had anticipated. During this process I am continuing to do my normal daily workouts of running 3 miles every other day and free weights on the off running days. This cleanse has not inhibited my ability to do these workouts at all.

I am now starting the last week of the 21 days. I am already determined that I will continue eating this way even longer. I will probably bring back eating fruit as I do miss that from my diet....but pretty much that is the only thing I miss at this point. I have been finding many interesting ways to prepare vegetables that are very creative and tasty.

I shop at the store in a much more conscious and enlightened way. I mostly end up eating "natural" food which just has to be better for me. I'm even beginning to see my husband adopt some of these food choices as well without any coaxing from me at all.

Normally, my husband does the majority of the cooking at our "inn". He does "all" the breakfast cooking for our guests. But now I am choosing to do the cooking so I am becoming more responsible for the shopping part as well. I must say I am enjoying the whole experience much more than I thought I would.

Today I food a recipe for vegan split pea soup and that's what we're having for dinner tonight. The aroma as it has been simmering this afternoon is filling the house with such good smells. Here is the recipe in case any one would like to try it. Of course the only reason it's vegan is because it is meatless.

Vegan Split Pea Soup

1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 onion chopped, 1-2 bay leaves, 3 garlic cloves, 2 cup dried peas,
1 1/2 teaspoon salt, 7-8 cups water(can use part vegetable broth as well), 3 carrots shredded, 3 celery stalks chopped, 1-3 potatoes (optional), 1/2 cup chopped parsley,
1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

Saute onion, garlic, bay leaves and celery in olive oil. Add peas and remaining spices with water and vegetable broth. simmer 2 hours and then add carrot shreds and continue simmering until carrots are tender. Can puree part of soup if you like it thicker and less chunky. Enjoy...this is the basic recipe but it can be altered with different spices and addition of mushrooms or spinach, barley.

Here's to more "clean" eating in the future.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Outdoor 5K of Season

The last week has been just glorious in Suttons Bay. We have had a full week of sunshine and blue skies with temperatures hovering in the 40's. Absolutely spring fever is in the air for me and everyone else up north who has had enough of winter.

I've been literally chomping to take my running outside. Six weeks of training inside on the treadmill were testing my patience for an "on the road" run.

With our guests checked out, and my "cinderella" chores at the Korner Kottage Bed and Breakfast done for the wait was over.

I grabbed my outdoor running gear and my dog, Nestle Quik, my constant running companion and we were off.

The sky was the clearest blue without a cloud in sight and the sun was blindingly bright. The tri colored blues of the water were mesmerizing and sparkling against the ever so quickly melting snow that rimmed the shoreline.

We decided to run along South Shore Drive so we could keep the water in our sight. We had a destination in mind to make our 5K challenge. We set off on a leisurely pace, testing out the legs. Speed was not an issue for this first run of the season. All that treadmill running seemed to have paid was an easy, easy run. The biggest obstacles were avoiding the mud and trying to keep Nestle Quik from dive bombing the last of the melting snowpiles along the side of the road and pulling me into the snow with her.

Since this is a relatively busy and scenic drive around the bay on the way to Stony Point, it is imperative that Nestle run with me on leash. Not her favorite kind of running but after several adjustments....she and I were in sync and in runners' heaven. We've been waiting for this opportunity for a very long time. Our pace seemed to increase, and before long we were both breathing fairly hard as the scenery was flying by us.

It was so worth it....mud and all. My running shoes were wet and muddy and Nestle had to be bathed off in an outside bucket as she was covered with mud...feet, tail and belly. But she didn't seem to even mind the clean up. She just plain loves to run any where, any time...just let her outside. We both love to run.